Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The end.

Goodbye my little internet shit-hole. You will not be missed.

To clarify, I'm ditching this blog shit, not suicidal.

Also, fuck you Riley and your need to constantly bring this shit-hole up.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


On a side note, Google+ makes me want to take a basket of newborn puppies and hurl it onto a drag strip.

Monday, July 1, 2013

More change.... YAY!

yeah this comes with a paragraph too. I'm changing the rules to I post when I post. Good art shouldn't be rushed and needs time to be worked on. Same goes for my comedic material. It's not something I should be forcing out on schedule. I'm going to spend more time thinking of a good idea and making it look equally as good. As for the art style change, I've been using nothing but tools to draw, I think it's high time I took off the safety and started drawing everything manually. Its gonna be rough and dirty, but it needs to be done.

Friday, June 28, 2013


sorry if the text is a little hard to read, just click on it to expand.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Alright, I have two valid reasons for not posting a comic today. 1. I don't really feel like it. 2. I have very valid reason to believe that there is a virus attached to my web browser. I have fucking Ad block plus and I'm still getting pop ups and other completely annoying shit. Therefore, I'm spending the day attempting to manually remove and resolve this issue. Wish me luck....

And no I didn't look up any porn. This is a 1300 dollar computer and I'm not that damn stupid.